Acting in a sustainable way is not enough , we also need to create excellent products that correspond to our consumer needs and
that offer a superior performance .For that, we need an exceptional team .We are a group of professionals,dedicated to solving a problem about our waters and to
transform an invasive seaweed species into something positive for the health of plants,humans and animals.We would appreciate if you joined us in our adventure to
enhance our environment our land and our oceans.
Our Team

Bret Wiegand
Chris Pratley
Alex graduated from University of Minnesota and started his career in Industrial and Pharmaceutical
chemical sales at Mitsubishi Int’l Corp. After completion of an MBA at Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey, CA, he managed
computer software R&D, testing and product management teams at Borland and Oracle. He started his own high-tech company which he
grew to 160 people before selling it and migrating to New Zealand. He founded Waikaitu in 2012 to turn NZ marine invasive species problems
into economic opportunities.

Norman Phillips
R&D and Board Advisor
Norman graduated with a BSc Hons in Chemistry and a PhD in Natural Product
Synthesis from University of WALES. Norman worked as a Research Chemist for a major UK Chemical company and subsequently in sales and marketing roles within
the industry before becoming a General Manager/ Managing Director/ CEO of a number of companies. Norman moved with his family to NELSON in 2004 initially to
manage NEW ZEALAND Hops and Extracts and later Lallemand NZ. Norman works with WAIKAITU on special projects that utilize his technical, commercial and
strategic skills and experience.
Bret’s career has spanned working with a number
of organizations in various sectors from transport
to chemicals throughout EUROPE, including
leading the UK IT division of a global investment
bank. Since moving to NEW ZEALAND he has
consulted with a variety of agricultural
businesses, from start-up irrigation companies
to a leading agricultural machine service
company in the South Island.

Maria Ivanova
Design and Marketing Director
Maria graduated
with Communication Design Diploma from MUNICH University Of Applied Sciences. She was Art Director, working for Indochine Media in
Chris is a 40-year veteran in the NZ agricultural chemical industry. After graduating from LINCOLN
University, Chris worked for the United Nations in agricultural aid projects. He returned to NEW ZEALAND to work in international agribusiness
sales and marketing.
Chris has owned and expanded a South Island horticultural supply company and maintains close
relationships with a wide range of colleagues in both the manufacturing and distribution sectors of the NZ plant protection industry.

Mission and Vision
No compromises when it comes to safety, purity, nutrition and quality
of our products. Our mission is to improve plant , human and animal
nutrition and health through the use of one of the most complete
vegetarian storehouses of nutrients, antioxidants and omega 3 oils –
brown seaweed. Our name exemplifies our values. The Maori words
that make up our name mean: Wai – Water, Kai – Food and Tu –
To Anchor ourselves, to take a stand. We are committed to
producing pure, clean, delicious food and effective pharmaceutical
and soil nutrition ingredients.
For more informations, see Alex interview at:

We are working on being 100% Organic
in our harvesting and production methods .
Everything is examined ,from preservation
during transport, and production, to eliminate
or significantly reduce the presence of chemical
contaminants in our food and pharmaceutical ingredients.
We follow the principles for the planet
preservation and we focus on
using resources in a sustainable way.
We reuse packaging such as the
mass of 1000 ilos bags and
Soils Nutrition containers
as much as possible .

We respect our environment,
our employees and our customers .
We provide highest quality
products at a fair price.
We harvest only the invasive
species non native to New Zealand
waters in order to restore the balance
of our marine ecosystem.

Our name exemplifies our values.
The Maori words that make
up our name mean:
Wai – Water,
Kai – Food and Tu – To Anchor ourselves,
to take a stand.
We are committed to producing pure,
clean, delicious food and effective
pharmaceutical and soil nutrition ingredients.
For more information, please see Alex’s interview at AsktheQ.

Undaria Pinnatifida (Wakame) is an invasive species
in New Zealand.
It came in our country in the ballast water of cargo ships and it has spread
throughout the coastal waters.

We collect this seaweed only from mussel farms which are man made
structures and not from natural surfaces .Undaria colonizes all hard
surfaces, displacing native seaweed and altering the ecological
balance in marine environment. For mussel farmers, the Undaria
causes many issues by displacing and chocking mussels,
reducing harvesting productivity and increasing fuel usage and
maintenance costs.
By supporting our company through your purchase of our products, you are
helping us to reduce the impactof this seaweed on our environment and way
of life .We fully comply with conditions of our Harvesting Permit under the
Biosecurity act. To reduce the impact on the environment we never return
any Undaria back to the ocean and handle it in such a way that it is
rendered non-viable and kept out of our waterways.

Certification and Independant Testing.
At Waikaitu, we believe in third party, Independant testing, verification and licensing. Our customers need to know where their product came from, its composition and quality as well as its organic status. They want to be sure that the products we sell are sustainable and ecologically responsible. We believe that rigorous third party testing is the best way to assure our customers of our commitment to quality and sustainability.

BioGro Input into Organic
Farming Operations Certification
Seaweeds Harvester Autorized by the Ministry
for Primary Industries

Products Safety Testing -
Heavy Metals
Product Safety Testing
Aminoalcools and QACs
Waikaitu products are tested for heavy metals by Eurofins New Zealand .Eurofins
New Zealand provide laboratory testing services to the Food, Pharmaceutical,
Environmental and Agricultural/Horticultural industries.
Waikaitu tests their products for Amino Alcohols and Quaternary Amonia
Compounds at Asure Quality Global experts in Food Safety and Quality
in over 40 countries worldwide, to assure the safety and quality of food
produced for millions of people.
If you are interested in our products or by our company
send an email to
We are looking for distributors worldwide.
Waikaitu Ltd
28,Oxford Street, Richmond, Nelson 7020
New Zealand
Soils and Plants Nutrition:
303,Aporo Road,Tasman,Nelson 7173
New Zealand
Telephone:+64(0)3 970-0302